My name is Kieron Vick, and I am currently Bachelor’s of Education Elementary Years student at the University of British Columbia. Welcome to my teaching portfolio where you can follow my journey as a student teacher in Terrace, British Columbia. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been born and raised in Terrace, a mountainous rural town in Northern BC with many spectacular bodies of water and landforms forming amazing scenes.
Here is a little bit about myself:
If you know me, you know that I love active living. I am an avid sports fan and player, with my main sports being disc golf, hockey, soccer, and tennis. This influence comes from my father, who used to play basketball at Bishops University in Lennoxville, Quebec. He also happened to be a longtime teacher and coach here in Terrace for about 30 years at Thornhill Junior and Cassie Hall; therefore, he was the original Mr. Vick.

My sports teams are the Edmonton Oilers, Baltimore Ravens, and especially Manchester United. I am also extremely passionate about the Canada Men’s National Soccer Team, in which I was able to witness Canada’s 4-0 victory against Jamaica to officially qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup with my father, a memory I am extremely fond of.
I say all of this because there are a lot of similarities between the field of sports and teaching; both emphasize the importance of collaboration and relationships, fostering a structured learning environment with proper feedback and assessment, and skill development. I can go on with the parallels but in conclusion, the world of sports has matured me in many senses and has helped me recognize the importance of culture, teamwork, resiliency, maintaining your well-being and supporting others’ well-being. I hope to take these attributes of sports and bring them into a classroom, creating an inclusive environment where all learners have the maximum support to thrive.

There is more to me than sports and outdoors though; I am a massive music consumer, which mainly consists of varying rock genres, metal, and punk. I am an amateur bassist, and the bands I listen to the most and cover are Linkin Park, Blink-182, and Avenged Sevenfold. Apart from music, I love comics, film, reading, and camping.
Did I also mention that I am a massive dog person? Here is a photo of my pals Lacy and Finley:

That is about all from me for now, I am looking forward to sharing my education journey with you all for the next two years!
– Mr. Vick