Educators respect and value the history of First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada and the impact of the past on the present and the future. Educators contribute towards truth, reconciliation and healing. Educators foster a deeper understanding of ways of knowing and being, histories, and cultures of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.
Every time I enter a school, I am always acknowledging the diversity that takes place within it. As someone who is about to become an educator in a time where the emphasis on reconciliation in Canadian schools systems has been higher than it has been before, I weigh a huge responsibility of contributing to it apart of this new generation of educators.
For my summative practicum, I felt extremely fortunate to have spent 8 weeks at Suwilaawks Community School, which features a wide range of student diversity. The Indigenous student population makes up approximately 80% of the student population; as someone who is entering the education field as a new teacher, the experience I got engaging with all of the Indigenous learners, learning how to effectively apply the FPPL to a large number of Indigenous learners, and being presented with the opportunities to explore and learn more about varying Indigenous cultures in person was an immense joy something I do not take for granted. Not only did I grow my cultural competency during this practicum experience, but it also gave me a stronger appreciation for public school systems and their ability to create strong inclusive environments despite such rich diversity. Suwilaawks Community School, in my humble opinion, does this exceptionally well, and I am so glad I got to be apart of their family in my summative practicum.
For my Indigenous Epistemology course in the education program, I have written multiple reflections about the ways I want to contribute to the success of Indigenous youth in our local schools. Here is one of my responses that I feel aligns well with Professional Standard 9 about how I would try to honour Indigenous perspectives in the classroom and how I will try to be an active contributor to reconciliation in schools:
Kieron Vick
University of Northern British Columbia
EDUC 446 – Indigenous Epistemology
October 11, 2023
Question: How will I honour Indigenous knowledge and perspectives in my classroom?
What learning will I undertake to learn not only as a classroom leader but to engage personally in reconciliation?
Proper honouring of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives in a classroom has been necessary for some time; while inclusivity in schools has improved over the 21st century, it is far from fluent, and there still is a lack of recognition of diverse cultures in many schools across Canada, especially in non-metropolitan areas. As a Caucasian male, I have a huge responsibility in contributing to the reconciliation of Indigenous peoples in schools. This contribution involves me not only being a leader in the classroom but also a learner. To deepen my understanding of varying Indigenous cultures that are prevalent in the communities around me, I can learn more by listening to more traditional stories, getting more involved with local communities, and continuously reflecting on what I thought I understood before. I also must be patient with my learning; becoming culturally competent is by no means an instantaneous process, it takes consideration, commitment, and time.
I want Indigenous learners to have equity and comfort in the classroom, and If I can continue to grow my cultural competence, I will not only be more conscious of Indigenous students’ needs, but I can enable all students in my future classes to be more understanding of their Indigenous classmates for who they are as a person and learner. To engage in reconciliation, I can promote more Indigenous stories and authentic resources, acknowledge traditional land and places with students, engage in dialogue concerning reconciliation with students, and advocate for systemic change.